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The Scanner by José Prager

The Scanner by José Prager
The Scanner by José Prager
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The Scanner by José Prager

Possibly The Scanner is one of the most innocent impression devices/pads you will ever come across.
It is perfect for real time and pre-show.
The reset takes about 5 seconds.
It uses an ordinary pen/pencil.
It is very low tech and costs next to nothing to make.
Prager uses it all the time to read minds close-up and even stage!
When purchasing The Scanner you will also get access to a secret forum where we will discuss everything about The Scanner.
What they are saying about The Scanner:

"The Scanner is an easy to make impression pad that looks very innocent while holding a devious secret. This is a DIY impression device that can be easily made with two simple items found in any stationery store. I'm sure many will include this idea into their arsenals." - Greg Arce
"José has discovered a method for an impression device that is very deceptive and almost impossible to detect. It is a useful alternative that some may find suits them better than the existing methods, including my own. I recommend giving it a try." - Thom Bleasdale creator of Tommy Pad

"Jose's Scanner is a wonderful and clever pad that I know many performers will be using! It's very easy to make and completely deceptive, perfect for surrounded real time and pre-show peeks. Another winner from Mr. Prager" - Maurcio Jaramillo

"Another winner from the devious mind of Jose Prager!" - Tom Mohan

[Note: This is based on "The Secret Assistant" by Shrink which J. Prager has the rights to.]
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