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The product no greedy magic company wants you to know about or is willing to give you
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The product no greedy magic company wants you to know about or is willing to give you


368 magic books, 30,000+ pages of content, 91 professional commentaries, authors featuring. Houdini, Erdanase, Tarbell, Hugard, and MORE—this is a veritable ‘cup of life’ to any and all amateur or professional magicians.

Dear friend,

We were up late when we found it.

At the time, we were desperately trying to design something to build our email list and we couldn’t find a resource valuable enough.

We’d been scratching our heads for weeks, desperate to find something that could set us apart from everyone else.

It all came down to this…

…two magical words:

Public Domain.

For those that are wondering, the definition of public domain is this:

“The state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, especially through NOT being subject to copyright or other legal restrictions.”

Ever heard this expression before?

“Want to find something new, read something old. Want to find something old? Read something new…”

This phrase could not be more accurate than it is in modern day magic.

That night, two years ago, we discovered that many of the best magic books EVER WRITTEN—Tarbell’s course on magic, Expert at the Card Table by Erdanase and Bobo’s Coin Magic are ALL public domain.

Yes, you heard us right, just between these three books nearly 3,000 pages of incredible magic content is simply bouncing around the internet.

(and hardly anyone is using or knows about it…)

Here’s why:

The content isn’t easy to find (you have to know EXACTLY what to search for and be aware of which sources are reputable and which aren’t)

Many magic companies make NO effort to ensure this stuff is readily available (but they do profit off product after product that uses effects taken directly from these books and given a ‘modern twist’)

People don’t know where to start (300 classic magic books is an overwhelming number, and it can be hard to find the really good stuff)

The magic companies that HAVE collected these books sell them at a ludicrous price and they’re vastly behind the times ($80 for a CD ROM is kind of a joke…)

Here’s what we’ve done to tackle this issue:

We’ve put all the books in one place (let’s not even talk about the 1000’s of hours this has taken, we’ll get PTSD…)

We’ve written a commentary for all the ones we think are worth starting with (91 to be exact)

We’re making this accessible to the entire magic world (let’s just say our price tag doesn’t even get close to $80…)

So enough talk, you probably want to ‘see the money!’

Here are the 91 classic books for which we thought it was worth writing a commentary and adding a blurb.

This list will continue to grow even after the release of this product.

But for now, we didn’t want to overwhelm you, the other 277 magic books all have links to their PDF and can be flipped through at your own pleasure…

(but honestly, 91 is more than enough to get you started!)

Here they are:

1. 202 Methods of Forcing – Theodore Annemann

2. A Few Jardine Ellis Secrets – George Johnson

3. A Half Hour of Magic – Sicnarf

4. A Real Magic Show – Frank Lane

5. Al Baker Book No. 1 – Al Baker

6. Al Baker Book No. 2 – Al Baker

7. Annemann’s Buried Treasures – Theodore Annemann

8. Annemann’s Miracles of Card Magic – Theodore Annemann

9. Annemann’s Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks – Theodore Annemann

10. Annemann’s Mental Mysteries – Theodore Annemann

11. Annemann’s One Man Mental and Psychic Routine – Theodore Annemann

12. Annual of Magic 1937 – Jean Hugard

13. Behind the Scenes with the Mediums – David Abbott

14. Card Manipulations No. 1 – Jean Hugard

15. Card Manipulations No. 2 – Jean Hugard

16. Card Manipulations No. 3 – Jean Hugard

17. Card Manipulations No. 5 – Jean Hugard

18. Miracle Methods, Casting New Light on the Stripper Deck – Jean Hugard

19. Coin Magic – Jean Hugard

20. Magic – Ellis Stanyon

21. Drug Store Magic – Eli B. Johnson

22. Effective Tricks – Louis F. Christianer

23. En Rapport – Theodore Annemann

24. Encyclopedia of Card Tricks – Gravatt/Hugard

25. Entertaining Magic Hermann Pallme

26. Sympathetic Silks – Edward Bagshawe

27. Here’s How by Frank Lane

28. The Sphinx Golden Jubilee Book of Magic

29. Half a Dozen Hummers – Bob Hummer

30. Handkerchief Manipulation Act – George Stillwell

31. Heller’s Book Of Magic

32. Hermann the Magician – H. J. Burlingame

33. Hocus Pocus Junior

34. Indian Conjuring – L. H. Branson

35. Latter Day Tricks – Roterberg

36. Memory Trix – Bernard Zufall

37. Making Magic – Richard W. Humphries

38. More Magic of the Hands – Edward Victor

39. Charles Crayford – Magical Deceptions

40. Magical Masterpieces – Louis Nikola

41. Magical Originalities – Ernest Noakes

42. Magicians’ tricks – Hatton & Plate

43. Mechanical and Electrical Tricks – W. T. McQuade

44. Mental Magic With Cards – Jean Hugard

45. Miracles in Modern Magic – Harry Whiteley

46. Modern Card Effects – DeLawrence/Thompson

47. Modern Coin Magic – Bobo

48. Modern Coin Manipulation – T. Nelson Downs

49. Money Magic – Jean Hugard

50. Card Tricks – Ellis Stanyon

51. New Juggling Tricks – Ellis Stanyon

52. “One Man” Mind Reading Secrets – Ralph W. Read

53. Original Magical Creations – Stanley Collins

54. Our magic – Nevil Maskelyne and David Devant

55. Our mysteries – Various inc. Al Baker

56. Paper Magic – Houdini

57. Paper Magic – Will Blyth

58. Practical Conjuring – James Carl

59. Practical Mental Magic by Theodore Annemann

60. Problems in Mystery – Max Sterling

61. Programmes Of Famous Magicians – Max Holden

62. Quality Magic – Okito

63. Radio and Nite-Club Mindreading – Larsen, McGill

64. Illusion Secrets – U.F. Grant

65. Secrets of my Magic – David Devant

66. Si Stebbins Card Tricks – Si Stebbins

67. Silken Sorcery – Jean Hugard

68. Sleights – Burling Hull

69. The Original Tarbell Course In Magic – Tarbell

70. Card Tricks – Howard Thurston

71. The Art of Magic – T. Nelson Downs

72. Fools of Fortune, or Gambling and Gamblers – John Philip Quinn

73. Card-sharpers, their tricks exposed, or, The art of always winning by Robert Houdin

74. Our Magic – David Devant and Nevil Maskelyne

75. Shhh it’s a Secret – Theodore Annemann

76. The Unmasking of Robert Houdin – Harry Houdini

77. The Memoirs of Robert Houdin

78. Great Tricks Revealed – Horace Goldin

79. Tricks that Work – Tom Sellers

80. The Magic Art – David Holmes

81. Book One – Al Baker

82. Book Two – Al Baker

83. 50 Tricks With A Thumb Tip – Milbourne Christopher

84. Modern Magic – Professor Hoffman

85. Modern Magic Manual – Jean Hugard

86. Alexander Hermann’s Wizard Manual

87. The Expert at The Card Table – S.W Erdnase

88. ‘Sharps and Flats’: a complete revelation of the secrets of cheating at games of chance and skill – John Maskelyne

89. The Discoverie of Witchcraft – Reginald Scot

90. The Secrets Of Stage Conjuring – Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin

91. Magic Tidbits – Professor Hoffmann

KEY: The ones that are in bold are those we think are particularly worth your while…

Here are just 3 out of the veritable 1000’s of effects and routines you’ll learn from this treasure trove of content:

An incredible force by Theodore Annemann found on page 3 of ‘202 Methods of Forcing’ that is not only invisible but would make a fantastic ‘out’ for any good magic routine…

A collection of stunning flourishes and fancy card work taught by T. Nelson Down’s on page 29 of his book ‘The Art of Magic’ that has been flabbergasting audiences for over a decade.

A mentalism routine from Houdini himself found on page 52 of his book ‘Paper Magic’ that’s so audacious your audience would never even believe the method if you told it to them…

As we said, 3 of THOUSANDS of effects, routines and pieces of theory you’ll pick up studying under the greatest magicians who’ve ever lived.

Now you’re probably thinking, this all sounds a little too good to be true!

You’re going to give me 368 magic books, with commentary, all in one place?

The price tag on this baby has to be ridiculous.

(and I’m worried that my expectations are so high at this point, I could only be disappointed)

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