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Stroop Blindness - DIY Download Edition by Black Cat Magic
The Stroop Test meets Change Blindness
This Downloadable D.I.Y Edition of Stroop Blindness provides the buyer with the complete artwork to either use on their phone or to print and create their own sized version of the effect.
The Effect:
Great for Zoom or any socially distanced performance.
Stroop Blindness is a portable combination of the famous Stroop Effect and Change Blindness Phenomena all rolled into one 2-phase routine. Or just use the Stroop Test on its own.
Participants always want to know how we do things and we are forever offering up pseudo explanations to pacify them. But now, with Stroop Blindness you can demonstrate up to 2 genuine psychological tests or use it as a starting point from which you can segue into your main routine.
Both tests are a fun way to quickly show how easy the brain can be hacked with the most simple of tasks, naming colours and observing.
Let the fun times unfold as participants try, and no doubt fail, to complete the Stroop Test in the quickest time possible.
At this point we offer them another go...they ALWAYS want another go.
They try again. They might do better, they might do worse.
Then you start to ask them about Change Blindness and if they have heard of it....chances are they wont have...not that it matters.
You can then show them that they were actually looking at a different image the second time around and, of course, they hadn't noticed due to the Change blindness effect.
If you are recording the performance then playing this back to the participant to prove to them that they were looking at a different card is an absolute must and is highly encouraged as this also provides another reaction.
Keep it in your wallet and you are good to go. Keep it in your peek wallet and you have the perfect excuse to return to the wallet for the dirty work.
The JPEG files provided are instantly downloadable after purchase and come in the following sizes:
Poker Size 63mm x 88mm
UK Business card size (88mm x 55mm)
US Business Card size (3.5' x 2')
The Stroop Test meets Change Blindness
This Downloadable D.I.Y Edition of Stroop Blindness provides the buyer with the complete artwork to either use on their phone or to print and create their own sized version of the effect.
The Effect:
Great for Zoom or any socially distanced performance.
Stroop Blindness is a portable combination of the famous Stroop Effect and Change Blindness Phenomena all rolled into one 2-phase routine. Or just use the Stroop Test on its own.
Participants always want to know how we do things and we are forever offering up pseudo explanations to pacify them. But now, with Stroop Blindness you can demonstrate up to 2 genuine psychological tests or use it as a starting point from which you can segue into your main routine.
Both tests are a fun way to quickly show how easy the brain can be hacked with the most simple of tasks, naming colours and observing.
Let the fun times unfold as participants try, and no doubt fail, to complete the Stroop Test in the quickest time possible.
At this point we offer them another go...they ALWAYS want another go.
They try again. They might do better, they might do worse.
Then you start to ask them about Change Blindness and if they have heard of it....chances are they wont have...not that it matters.
You can then show them that they were actually looking at a different image the second time around and, of course, they hadn't noticed due to the Change blindness effect.
If you are recording the performance then playing this back to the participant to prove to them that they were looking at a different card is an absolute must and is highly encouraged as this also provides another reaction.
Keep it in your wallet and you are good to go. Keep it in your peek wallet and you have the perfect excuse to return to the wallet for the dirty work.
The JPEG files provided are instantly downloadable after purchase and come in the following sizes:
Poker Size 63mm x 88mm
UK Business card size (88mm x 55mm)
US Business Card size (3.5' x 2')