Allan Ackerman: "You've created a brand new routine with your Playing Heavy. It has a different plot, it's logical, it will bring a chuckle and a big smile to any audience, and is very fooling. This routine is going in my repertoire.”
Combining Hamman's "Poker Palm Shift" with Babel's "Mabillon" along with a heavy doze of Reynolds,
A single card is added to Two Pair making six cards...but doesn't that look like five?!
The Two Pair is shown to look like a Full House.
A single card is then added to the Full House making seven cards...but doesn't that look like five?!
The Full House is shown to look like Five Aces.
A single card is added to the Five Aces making eight cards. The eight cards are counted...but doesn't that look like five?!
The three extra cards are rearranged among the original five cards to make a Royal Flush.