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Penguin Live Online Lecture - Paul Green

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Penguin Live Online Lecture - Paul Green

"Anytime an experienced working pro shares some of their tried and tested material, I want to see it. Paul’s magic and style have been polished by his years of performing for layman in real world conditions. Don’t miss your chance to see and learn from a magician who knows what great, commercial magic really is." - Danny Archer

"Paul Green is one of those very rare commodities in the magic world - a performer who has a real sense of what strong, commercial magic really is. If your ambition is to perform for real people, I can think of no better person to learn from than Paul." - Jim Sisti

“Don't let his 'gosh golly' persona throw you. Behind that façade is a guy who has performed more shows that most guys dream of. There will be gems revealed. You don't want to miss a moment of this lecture.” - Doc Eason

"Paul Green really knows how to turn tricks into working material. He understands what makes people tick and his magic is built upon a wealth of professional experience. Don't miss a chance to learn from a master of commercial effects and real-world routines." - R.Paul Wilson

“Time spent with Paul Green is time well spent. You'd be a fool not to want to listen and learn from this expert in our art.” - Shawn Farquhar

“Paul Green is a worker. He performs all the time, for elite corporate clients and private parties, and is a regular at The Magic Castle®. He knows how to please an audience with Close-up and Stand-up magic. Better, he knows how to create routines that are not difficult to perform but have a huge impact on audiences. Better still, Paul knows WHY these routines work and can explain them in plain English. If that isn't enough, Paul Green has my ultimate recommendation: one of his routines is my closer and gets me a standing ovation in every show.” - Eric Henning

What will he teach?


Classic Force

The Odds are With Me

One More Chance

10 Card Poker (Unpublished!)

Everyone In Poker

Cutting the Competition

Two Copper, Silver

There will also be discussion on what it is like to be a “Journeyman” Magician, how to think like a layman, how to develop rapport with an audience, the vision of your performance, and how to develop scripts and routines. You do not want to miss this!

Who is he?

I am a native Californian. I started doing Magic when I was seven years old. My father took my older brother and me to a “father/son banquet”. After dinner, there was a magician performing for the group. Needless to say, I was hooked! 

My older brother had assembled a “shoe box” of Magic. Like most kids, he was interested for about two weeks. Luckily, I was the beneficiary of his lack of interest--and I, on the other hand, stuck to it and Magic became very important to me.

I loved reading, so the library became a tremendous resource center for my hobby. My favorite books were Bruce Elliott’s Classic Secrets of Magic and Henry Hay’s Amateur Magician’s Handbook. I also had my parents take me to any Magic show in the area. I also made most of my own props from cardboard and juice cans. My parents would buy me a “real trick” for birthdays and Chanukah. The trips to Hollywood, visiting Joe Berg’s Magic Studio, Bert Wheeler’s Hollywood Magic, and the Magic Shoppe at Disneyland were special events that I still remember. I also purchased tricks from the catalogs of The Top Hat Magic Company, Vic Lawston, and Haines’ House of Cards.

I put on little shows in my backyard along with some of the neighborhood kids. My first “paid” show was for my three year old cousin’s birthday. The party was held in a community park and during the festivities, my Aunt Selda’s purse was stolen. I still got paid my 3 dollar fee!

Throughout school, I continued performing for other children’s parties and I became more and more comfortable with each performance. I took all the money I earned and put it back into props from the catalogs and shops. In junior high (now middle school), I started a Magic Club and the group of kids put on shows for the entire school. It was also during this time that I found other kids in the area that did Magic, too. We started another group that met on Saturday, once-a-month. The Dante Magic Club was held in various homes and community meeting rooms. We were un-officially sponsored by Alvin Jansen, the son of the famous magician Dante. Our group was wonderful and our alumni included Paul Harris and Harry Anderson. We had lectures from famous performers like Arnold Furst, Eric Lewis, and Alan Wakeling. We put on some wonderful community shows and continued our love of the art.

The Dante Magic Club continued through my high school years and one special event turned my life into the dream I continue to live now. When I was twelve years old, we had Bill Larsen Jr., the publisher and editor of Genii Magazine, come to my home and lecture. Along with the discussion of the magazine, he also told us about the plans for a new Magic club in Hollywood. All of the kids were very excited about the Academy of Magical Arts and its clubhouse, the Magic Castle. In 1963, Mr. Larsen invited the members of the Dante Magic Club and our parents to have dinner at the club. This “field trip” was wonderful as were surrounded by the real Magic of the Magic Castle.

I continued my friendship with Mr. Larsen and when I was eighteen years old, he asked me to appear in the Close-Up Gallery of the Magic Castle. I worked with Jules Lenier and Jerry Blount, the publishers of Talisman Magazine and developed my first act. It was wonderful as I got to meet the great personalities of Magic. The Professor--Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller, Johnny Platt, Kuda Bux, and Joe Berg were just a few. They were very nice to me and helped me become a better magician and performer. When I turned 21, my girlfriend and now my wife of over 40 years gave me my official membership to the AMA. Over the years I have been fortunate to meet, and work with, the likes of Ron Wilson, Bruce Cervon, Mark Wilson and Nani Darnell, Francis Carlyle, Martin Nash, Bob Sheets, J. C. Wagner, Steve Spill, and so many others.

I also started working at restaurants and eventually worked at one Beverly Hills eatery for over 25 years! I also had the good fortune to work for many A-list celebrities--Cary Grant, Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner, and Elizabeth Taylor to name a few. I also started performing at trade shows for companies like Monsanto and IBM. Other venues included cruise ships which visited many exotic locations. It was, and is, a wonderful life!

I have lectured around the world and released two DVD’s: In the Trenches and The Classic Force. Both of which have garnered great reviews and accolades. My lecture notes, Take A Stroll With Meand Nothing Up My (Green)Sleeves have gone through multiple printings. I have been honored with Lecturer of the Year and Close-Up Magician of the Year awards from the Academy of Magical Arts at the world-famous Magic Castle. Additionally, I have been a columnist for the Magic Menu and participated in the Live at the Jailhouse DVD set.

Currently, I am still involved with the AMA and the Magic Castle. I am also a member of The Elders which is a group of mentalists in the Southern California area. I am still married to Suzanne and have one daughter Rebecca.

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