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We all know that ESP stands for 'Extrasensory Perception'. In this case, it could also stand for 'Even Stronger Presentation’. Never before has telepathy with ESP cards looked and felt as REAL as it does with Opia, a new offering from Lewis Le Val.

Opia is the intense feeling of invasiveness and vulnerability we experience as we stare deeply into the eyes of another. Not only can we see into their soul, but they can also see into ours. Just like when you face two mirrors together and it creates an endless reflection that goes both ways, Opia causes the same effect between two minds. 

“Opia is absolutely brilliant. One of the most concise and strongest representations of Le Val’s thinking on mind reading he has ever written.” - Dee Christopher.

Whilst beautifully simple in execution, the thinking behind Opia is beyond words! All you will need to perform Opia is five ESP cards (or business cards). Here is a basic outline of what happens:

- The concept of Opia is introduced, and the five ESP symbols are explained in the most captivating fashion.

- A connection between your mind and the mind of your spectator is fully established. This connection is felt, experienced and confirmed by your spectator, which is then further solidified by a moment of pure synchronicity between your thoughts and theirs.

- You then choose an ESP symbol and place it face down on the table. Your spectator is to try and GENUINELY connect to your mind and perceive elements or fragments of what that symbol could be. With no forcing, no guessing, no fishing, no instant stooging, no dual reality and no switches or sleights of any kind, what happens next is purely psychological, and devastatingly clever.

- In the third phase, a complete role reversal of the above takes place as you wrap everything up perfectly with a moment of what looks and feels to be pure mind reading. Not only that, but this phase also makes use of a fantastic reading system that requires no memory work, and is already built in to the routine. Loaded with subtlety and layered with mystery, this phase has some moments that would even make Alexander himself proud!

- Just when they think it is over, you reveal one final piece of information that can have an extremely emotional and positive (powerful) impact on your spectator. The mood shifts and suddenly, things take a very unexpected turn. This moment uses science, psychology and even musical theory to deliver an emotional punch! All is clearly and thoroughly explained to help you get the most out of this beautiful finale.

Built into the scripting of Opia is a perfect way of explaining mind reading and how it works (for real). So even if everything you do has a secret, deceptive method, this brief explanation 'makes sense' to spectators, and kind of lets them understand (or believe) how and why you are able to do the things that you can do, whilst still retaining all of the mystery of your performance. This is the golden nugget buried in this book. Until now, we have never really been able to give a reasonable, pseudo explanation of just how we are able to get specific details such as names, dates, PIN numbers, etc, but now we can!

Finally, Le Val talks about how you can perfectly justify ever having anything written down by a spectator. Whether your approach is psychological, spiritual or other, all of the above can be used by any mentalist of any style. This is then followed by an example presentation that you can begin using right away.

The knowledge, ideas, subtitles and techniques in this book can completely transform your way of thinking about mentalism and mind reading, forever! The best part is, you can begin using these techniques today!
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