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Mysterious Call By Elies CM
Spectator selects and thinks of a random contact in their contact list on their phone, few seconds later the spectator gets a call from the contact he freely thought of!
Spectator selects and thinks of a contact from their contact list on their phone, few seconds later this contact is giving the spectator a call! A call shows up in the spectator’s phone, is the contact they freely thought of!
No apps used
Works with IOS and Android
Easy to do
No assisstants needed
Perform Completly SOLO
Your phone is NEVER IN SIGHT
Deceptive method
Do it with a playing card as well!
Spectator selects and thinks of a random contact in their contact list on their phone, few seconds later the spectator gets a call from the contact he freely thought of!
Spectator selects and thinks of a contact from their contact list on their phone, few seconds later this contact is giving the spectator a call! A call shows up in the spectator’s phone, is the contact they freely thought of!
No apps used
Works with IOS and Android
Easy to do
No assisstants needed
Perform Completly SOLO
Your phone is NEVER IN SIGHT
Deceptive method
Do it with a playing card as well!