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Mindreading Supreme by Orville Wayne Meyer

Mindreading Supreme by Orville Wayne Meyer
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Now you can perform apparent acts of "Hellstromism" or muscle reading, similar to how a world-famous psychic entertainer finds his paycheck after every performance.

True muscle reading is a phenomenal ability, in the hands of a master showman. Yet this skill takes months to fully master. Now, with the release of this fine routine, Meyer reveals the method behind his supreme mental test. Each of several audience members decides on an experiment or "test" (of the kind usually associated with contact mindreading) for the mentalist to attempt. The mentalist, while blindfolded, asks one of the persons to concentrate on his or her particular test. To the amazement of all, the performer dramatically and perfectly accomplishes the actions about which the spectator is thinking. A second test is then accomplished in an even more amazing manner.

While this appears to be genuine mindreading of the contact and non-contact kind, no knowledge or study of actual contact mindreading is required. Yes, the routine is entirely impromptu, and yes, there are no gimmicks. And, to top it all off, the effect is equally suitable for groups from six to six thousand.

"Mentalists will find it a good value." - John Braun

"A workable system requiring no collusion, previous information or hidden gimmicks. The routine given should also puzzle the well-informed." - Lloyd E. Jones

"Can be presently entirely surrounded and can be done on the spur of the moment. A well-planned idea; a good performer could certainly create a great effect with this." - Sid Lorraine

1st edition 1956, PDF 13 pages.
word count: 5619 which is equivalent to 22 standard pages of text

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