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Jerome Finley - Full Contact Mind Reading

Jerome Finley - Full Contact Mind Reading
Jerome Finley - Full Contact Mind Reading
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Jerome Finley - Full Contact Mind Reading
Phew...this is good.
I wrote in the Latest and Greatest posting of walkinng in a mall and 'senseing' where my wife wants to go by the hand grip described in his latest offering. Unknown to her, I was able to sense where she wanted to eat as well. This was from connecting to her by this grip.
I have been practicing this and at times been wrong and it only helped to re-enforce that what I am doing is real. So, at one gathering I was using a different grip that Jerome mentions to discover a symbol card and we were having a blast at trying to figure out who was the best 'sender' and 'receiver'. I was not exposing anything, just 'working' the crowd. This was PERFECT for leading this group of people into my Telepathy in Action sequence. I worked antoher group and working with CMR let to suggestability tests that went flawless.
Combining this with Thought Channel and a business card, I worked for 10-15 minutes doing CMR and Which Hand effects. Drawing on a card, mixing it face down with his other cards that were blank, I found his card (admittion) on the second try. I had him fold the card (I never saw the drawing) and went into a Thought Channel bit with him and did a final reveal of the drawing (thanks Banachek).
As I said in the other post, Jeromes resources infuse into your character to beocme a LIVING performer...I do this anywhere at anytime. THIS lifestyle LEADS to performances that pay...nicely so far.
If you have NO experience with CMR...this is what you need. There is the real deal and worth every penny. How much? If you stop buying crap for a couple of months, and get this, practice it, you will have a SKILL set for the rest of your life. This has routines in it, but for is about learnng from a MASTER and applying it in my own way.
You will not go wrong with what is the best out there in teaching you HOW TO READ MINDS and impact people with no props other than a willing participants heart and mind...the best props to work with.
-Scot M
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