The mentalist predicts the name of person nobody has ever met!
Three randomly selected cards are "seen" with a doll's eye!
From several different receipts, an audience member chooses the receipt matching the exact amount of money held in their own hand!
The dates of three borrowed coins are divined in an exceptionally fair fashion!
With just two business cards and two markers the mentalist reveals an inexplicable connection between himself and a member of the audience.
The psychic successfully "sends" a mental image of a glass of wine, right down to the exact level of the liquid!
And thanks to Jay's philosophy of "mind over muscle," the majority of these truly startling routines require VERY LITTLE SLEIGHT-OF-HANDABILITY! Instead, the emphasis is on full presentations and nurturing a REAL connection with your audiences. Jay even includes an enormous amount of scripting right out of his own professional repertoire!
Jay also discusses the importance of making your mentalism as visual as possible, deflecting focus away from yourself, the relationship between simplicity and flexibility, the power of the implicit, and the performance of what Jay calls "meaningful mentalism."
Jay even shares "The Punch Principle" and "The Billet Delivery System" two exciting new techniques he's been keeping to himself for years!
And as a very special ADDED BONUS Jay has included a professionally printed, full-color photograph for his incredible PHOTO FINISH routine!
Here are JUST A FEW of the 20 incredible routines