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International Magic Lecture - Luke Jermay

International Magic Lecture - Luke Jermay
International Magic Lecture - Luke Jermay
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International Magic Lecture - Luke Jermay

I am particularly proud to add the Luke Jermay Lecture to the International Magic range of DVD’s. Despite his young age, this is Luke’s final lecture for the magic world and I find it very fitting that he returned to his beginnings to present it. Luke first visited us when he started in Magic at the tender age of 9; it very soon became apparent that he was an extremely unusual talent. The pace of his progress was incredible, within weeks his reading material was that of an experienced magician, yet he fully understood and correctly performed the material. In the following years, Ron MacMillan continued to nurture Luke presenting him at many conventions around Europe. Luke repaid his mentor’s confidence by continuously stunning the audience and quickly earned himself an admired reputation. Having achieved this standing in the world of close-up magic, Luke turned his focus to Mentalism. In no time at all, he was presenting ground breaking material, amazing any doubters and quickly gathering recognition from top names such as Derren Brown & Kenton Knepper among many others.
On this DVD Luke presents, along with in depth explanation, three of his pet routines. He begins with the ‘Envelopes’ :- a series of predictions and mind reading demonstrations performed on an innocent spectator with a ‘Just Chance’ finish. He follows this with the superb ’Touching On Hoy’, this involves three seated spectators, each think of different items (a date, an object and a name) He then proceeds to read their thoughts with incredible ease. The final routine involves ‘Pulses’. In this he causes his own pulse to slow, stop & start on command, all presented under the impossible conditions of having a spectator checking the pulse continuously. As if that’s not enough, he then proceeds to repeat the effect. This time having a spectator replace him and causing the spectator’s pulse to slow, stop and re-start on command, all while another spectator does the monitoring. Unbelievable to watch, incredible in its explanation, yet it’s all here complete with a full question & answer section with audience members.

I am extremely grateful to Luke for treating us to this, I found it emotional to see him return to the first convention he ever attended to present the lecture and we thank him for imparting this knowledge so generously. I confidently make my own prediction, which is that Luke shall go from strength to strength to fully cement his position as one of the world leaders in Mentalism. I look forward to more ground-breaking performances and am content to have been there when he started. I wish him well and good fortune for the future. Martin MacMillan
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