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High Rise by Reynold Alexander

High Rise by Reynold Alexander
High Rise by Reynold Alexander
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High Rise by Reynold Alexander

(Instant Download) A chosen card magically RISES out of the box, and everything is immediately examinable. The biggest innovation in rising card tricks in YEARS.
"Ingenious, practical, and examinable, this is the first improvement to the classic card rise in a LONG time" -Curtis Kam

"Reynold has created a devilishly simple, but beautiful and oh so workable version of the classic rising card here. I truly laughed out loud when I saw the method. Great thinking! If this doesn’t go into the repertoire of card magicians around the world I will take up knitting!!!" -John Carey

"Half Moon Rising is a beautiful rising card version. The deck is normal the card case is normal. Reynolds Alexander is giving you a real jewel. Guard it well." -Manuel Llaser

"Add this to the effects that you are already doing and enjoy the reactions. You can tell that Reynold's done this hundreds of times" -Paul Draper

"The best magic and mentalism is simple and direct. This effect epitomizes this way of thinking!" - Looch

"Simple and effective! A practical and easy solution to perform the rising card at any time!" -Boris Wild

"Wow!, what a simple and clever solution to rising card. Even when he shows you what makes it work, I didn’t know how. Once he explains, you’ll think the box was always made with this effect in mind. Very clever. Very easy too. What you need to setup takes a second, will never be seen and will last many performances. I also like that it’s always there if you need it." -Jonathan Kamm


A card is selected and placed in the middle of the pack. Over and over the card rises to the top of the deck. You finish by doing the impossible and placing the entire deck in the card box. While the deck is in the card box their selected card rises out of the pack at your command. 

Great effect? Yes! But what makes High Rise such a great method is that there's nothing that can break or fail in performance. No threads, magnets, electronics, pulleys or expensive gadgets. And you can prepare any deck in mere seconds.

The setup is easy, and you'll be making cards rise minutes after watching the tutorial. This is a revolutionary new method for the card rise that will replace other more complex and expensive methods you have at home.
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