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Hidden Gems Volume 2 Mark Elsdon

Hidden Gems Volume 2 Mark Elsdon
I am in awe with your astuteness, book knowledge and fine sense for what is good and what not. Again, a great selection of hidden gems. Keep on this series, Mark, please!”Alexander de Cova
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Hidden Gems Volume 2 Mark Elsdon
Mark Elsdon has been making notes and sticking Post-its in all his books for decades, and so he has hundreds and hundreds of great tricks bookmarked, annotated and logged. Therefore, in each book in this Hidden Gems series, he is sharing one hundred referneces to tricks that have either be forgotten about or never even seen before by a wide audience.

These are tricks that define the very concept of ‘hidden in print’. In each entry, Mark lists the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why YOU should look it up. He always describes the effect, occasionally the presentation, but NEVER the method. This ebook is a book of signposts - it is your job to then go searching for the methods in the referneces that Mark gives.

“I am in awe with your astuteness, book knowledge and fine sense for what is good and what not. Again, a great selection of hidden gems. Keep on this series, Mark, please!”
Alexander de Cova
““In magic part of our daily ritual is to look for the hidden gems, the real treasures, the real magic. Mark Elsdon is one of the best read ‘treasure’ hunters I know of. When he points out a vein of treasure I explore. In this book Mark doesn’t teach tricks he’s created. Instead he points out sources and effects that you should explore. He’s got great taste in material, meaning you will skip a lot of fodder and simply find some uncovered miracles. If you love finding great magic this book will be a treasure map you will delight in.”
Tim Trono
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