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July 1987 - June 1988
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher and Editor
864 pages
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 1 - July 1987 - 72 pages
- Cover - The Absolons
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- Czechoslovakian Magic Section
- A Short History of Czechoslovakian Conjuroring - Karel Absolon
- Karel and Blanka Absolon - AN Autobiography
- Double Wine Production - Karel Absolon
- Meet the Czechoslovakian Magicians
- The Family Kellner
- Oklama
- Joss Kaiser
- Duo Valer
- Karel Vaverka
- Zdenek Seeman
- Duo Dlabal
- Linking Pin Finale - Joss Kaiser
- Color Changing Boa - The Duo Valer
- Linking Rings Without A Key - Karel Vaverka
- Video Explosion - Zdenek Seeman
- Ping Pong Production - Duo Dlabal
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Charlie Miller & William Read Woodfield, editors
- Direct Transit - Randall Holt
- Intermission - Charlie Miller
- Mad Dog Miller on the Loose Again - Charlie Miller
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Conventions & Events
- Invocational '87 - Chicago, IL
- Tannen's 25th Silver Anniversary Jubilee - Browns Hotel, Loch Sheldrake, NY
- Catalina Conjurer's Conclave - Catalina Island, CA
- Houdini Club Convention - Madison, WI
- Scottsdale Magic Festival - Scottsdale, AZ
- 32nd Kongress Österreichischer Magier - Krems/Ondau, Austria
- The Magic Hands Congress - Böblingen, Germany
- 57th Annual Magi-Fest - Columbus, OH
- Glass City Conjuror's Conclave - Toledo, OH
- Wizard's Weekend - Bloomington, MN
- 33 Österreichischer Magier Kongress - Vienna, Austria
- F.I.S.M. '88 - Den Haag, Holland
- Magical Arts Festival - Ventura, CA
- NACAN - 88 - Albany, NY
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Dalton Boys
- P.C.A.M. 1987 Convention - Bill and Irene Larsen
- The Comedy Magic Festival and Magic Expo - Max Maven
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Magic on Television & Film - Brian Flora
- Johnny Paul, Volume II
- Edward Victor Was Born One Hundred Years Ago - Rae Hammond
- How Would They Write It - Satire - Eric C. Lewis
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- The Rocky Horror Magic Show - Tom Ogden
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- Egyptian Hall
- Nashville Now
- Competition
- New Mickey Mouse
- Notes from a Lecture
- Letters
- Emil Loew
- Who Can You Trust? - Bill McLaury
- A Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- Instant Gymnastic Aces - Bill Kalush
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Magic for the Complete Klutz - Irv Durman - reviewed by Rick Burkey
- Scotch and Soda (Part II) - Ken Simmons - reviewed by Clark Wirthlin
- Ron Wilson ... The uncanny Scot - Richard Kaufman - reviewed by Billy McComb
- The Wizard Exposed - Selected from the Collection of Duncan Johnstone with Introduction and Bibliographic Notes - Edwin A. Dawes - reviewed by Billy McComb
- The Great Leon - Vaudeville Headliner - Mike Caveney - reviewed by Lou Bechtel
- Tricks of the Trade - Phil Goldstein
- Card Printer - Tenyo - Hiroshi Kondo
- Money Killer - Tenyo - Shigeru Sugawara
- Ninja Holes - Tenyo - Shigeru Sugawara
- CD Player - Tenyo - Hideo Kato
- Skeleton's Dream - Tenyo - Hiroshi Kondo
- Coffee Time - John Kennedy
- Ultimate Ring Capture - Bob Solari
- elasticized loops - Finn Jon
- Revolutionary Thread [loops] - Joe Stevens
- Paradox - Mitsunobu Matasuyama
- Fair Exchange - Masao Atsukawa
- Tonte - Ton Onosaka
- Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
- Free Classified Ads
- Obituaries
- Jack Pyle
- Chester M. Wallace
- Sid Fleischman Wins Newbery Medal - David Avadon
- Mind Manipulation - Joel S. Bauer
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 2 - August 1987 - 64 pages
- Cover - Billy McComb
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- A Special Issue - Billy McComb
- Cover Story - Peter Pit
- The World's Fastest Transposition - Billy McComb
- It's NOT a Trick ... but it is weird. So you might like it! - Billy McComb
- From Long Ago and Far Away - Billy McComb
- Two Stunts for the Aquatic Magician - Billy McComb
- A Fabulous Idea of Mine Which They Didn't Use - Billy McComb
- A McCOMBical Weird Finish for "Snowstorm In China" - Billy McComb
- Cartoon - Paul Butler
- One for Maven - and Dorian - and Falkenstein - and Riley - and All the Others - Billy McComb
- Cartoon - Paul Butler
- Addendum to the "Flat Rabbit" - Billy McComb
- An Imperceptible Method of Marking Envelopes - Billy McComb
- Finish for The Diminish - Billy McComb
- Easy Working for The String of Silks Load - Billy McComb
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Charlie Miller & William Read Woodfield, editors
- Jogging - Christian Chelman
- Intermission - Charlie Miller
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Dracula Escapes!
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Newton's Third Law of Relativity - Tom Ogden
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- A Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- Paper Moon - Wayne Record
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- Obituaries
- Gene C. Brandt - by John B. Zachry
- Robert M. White
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Magic on Television & Film - Brian Flora
- Commercial Cold Reading - Richard Webster
- Magic in the Round - An Evening of Magic with Harry Blackstone AT the Warwick Musical Theater - Mark Tripp
- Are You Ready and Able to Teach Magic in Your Community? - Edward D. Hesse
- Letters
- Eric C. Lewis
- TV Review - Harry Anderson Sideshow - newspaper clipping
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women - Ricky Jay - reviewed by David Avadon
- Ron Wilson ... The uncanny Scot" - Richard Kaufman
- Letters
- Ed Keener
- Magician Frank Clinton - He Still "Gives 'em the Cotton" - Jim Baker
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Free Classified Ads
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 3 - September 1987 - 80 pages
- Cover - Jamy Ian Swiss
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- Dai Vernon's Hands
- Jamy Ian Swiss Special Issue
- Jamy Ian Swiss - An Introduction - 'The Silver Fox' Scotty York
- Jamy Ian Swiss - A Biography - Stephen Minch
- An Interview with Jamy Ian Swiss - Stephen Minch
- Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Stabbing Case - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Almost Gaff-less Invisible Deck - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Double-Decker Sandwich - Jamy Ian Swiss
- A Delicate(ssen) Sandwich - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Re-Re-Re-Reset - Jamy Ian Swiss
- On Presentation: Cliches vs. Clarity - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Sucrets Set-Up - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Last Words - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Charlie Miller & William Read Woodfield, editors
- Puzzling Faro Sandwich - Dan McCarthy
- Intermission - Charlie Miller
- Mad Dog is on the Growl Once More - Charlie Miller
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Squeezaway Gal (Part One)
- A Word Or Two In Favor Of Raising The Standard Of Magic - Harry Thiery (Di Sato)
- What Do I Personally Find Most Attractive About Magic As An Art?
- What Is The Most Effective Way Of Accomplishing An Artistic Performance?
- Now A Few Observations On Essential Matters Which Should Not Be Overlooked
- Further Observations
- Conclusion
- And For Those Of You Who Have "Made It"
- Magic on Television & Film - Brian Flora
- Ben Harris' World Tour Video
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Vanilla Spellbound - Tom Ogden
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- A Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- The Frank Simon Secret Addition - Richard Kaufman
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Jubilee '88 - 25th Silver Anniversary
- My Dinner with Hofzinger [sic] - A Dream - John Carney
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Obituaries
- William M. Vagell "Mystic Craig" - by Bill Andrews
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- The Commercial Magic of J.C. Wagner - Mike Maxwell - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Larry Jennings' Neo-Classics - Stephen Minch - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Formula One - Randy Wakeman - reviewed by Lou Bechtel
- Special Effects - Randy Wakeman - reviewed by Lou Bechtel
- The Wizard Exposed - Edwin A. Dawes, compiler - reviewed by Jonathan Neal Brown
- Almost Unpublished - David Ginn - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Magic Collector's Portfolio, Series Number 1 [July 1987] - Ron Allesi, publisher - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Free Classified Ads
- Magi-Clips - newspaper clippings
- The Search For Houdini - Television Review
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 4 - October 1987 - 64 pages
- Cover - Richard Kaufman
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- Our Cover - Richard Kaufman - by Eugene Burger
- Drawback - David Acer
- New Wave Coins Into an Okito Box - Dan J. Alessini
- The Magic Month - Warner Perry
- The Alessini Thumb Tie - Dan J. Alessini
- Two Threes Are A Crowd - Bjorn Hanson
- Psychic Baby Bottles - Tom Crowl & Scott Albin
- Shades of Mercury - Dan J. Alessini
- Poker Dream Deal - John W. McClure
- Tips for Magician's Assistants
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Squeezaway Gal (Part Two)
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Pretty Baby - Tom Ogden
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- A Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- T.N.T. Top Change - Larry Jennings
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Conventions & Events
- The Magic Hands Congress - Böblingen, Germany
- 57th Magi-Fest - Columbus, OH
- Fellowship of Christian Magicians - Whittier, CA
- 36th Blackpool Magic Convention - Blackpool, England
- Magic Castle 20th Annual Awards Banquet - Beverly Hills, CA
- Winter Magic Carnival - Gatlinburg, TN
- Desert Seminar XI - Las Vegas, NV
- Glass City Conclave - Toledo, OH
- Italian National Congress - Stresa, Italy
- MzvD- Congress Oz Stuttgart - Triberg, Germany
- Florida State Convention - Orlando, FL
- Wizard's Weekend - Bloomington, MN
- Magische Schatztruhe - Mindelheim, West Germany
- 33rd Austrian Congress - Vienna, Austria
- I.B.M. Convention - Boston, MA
- F.I.S.M. World Congress - Den Haag, Holland
- Magic Festival 1988 - Oslo, Norway
- Tannen's 14th Summer Magic Camp 1988 - La Salle Academy, NY
- Magical Arts Festival - Ventura, CA
- Harold's Bavaria Magic - Munich, Germany
- Tannen's Magic Jubilee - Browns Hotel, Loch Sheldrake, NY
- NACAN - 88 - Albany, NY
- Austrian Congress 1988 - Bergenz, Austria
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- John Calvert - William V. Rauscher - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Dr. Albo's final volumes in set of eight - reviewed by Richard Buffum
- Twelve Have Died - Ben Robinson with Larry White - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Inspirations - Jerry Sadowitz & Peter Duffie - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Bookishly Yours - J. B. Findlay - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Obituaries
- Bert Easley
- Bobby Clark - by Mark J. Young, MD
- John Luckman - by Looy Simonoff
- Harry M. Levine
- Free Classified Ads
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- The Novice of Ceremonies - Dr. W. F. Terry Reister
- Additional Free Classified Ads
- Magi-Clips - newspaper clippings
- Paul Daniels Explains [Halloween Show]
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 5 - November 1987 - 72 pages
- Cover - Erik Gerard
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- A Special Erik Gerard Issue
- The Wizard and Oz - Erik Gerard
- This Magic Is Really For The Birds - Larry Krams
- The Gerard Drop - Don Fenwick
- The Gerard Drop II - Larry Krams
- The Business of Show Business - Erik Gerard
- The FIRSTS of Performing - Erik Gerard
- The Trick of Learning a New Trick - Erik Gerard
- Molecular Adhesion Plus - Erik Gerard, Larry Krams & Rick Rasmussen
- Coins Through the Table Plus - Erik Gerard
- Touching It Up - Erik Gerard
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Revised Strobeka
- The Fourth Annual Japanese Magic Awards Party - Max Maven
- Copperfield Itinerary
- T.A.O.M. C.C.? Si!, Si! - MarcoM (sic)
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Fifty Years Ago in Genii
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- Orlam Catches A Card - Jon Racherbaumer
- Joe Givan Response [to Richard Kaufman]
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- The Kiss of the Hershey's Woman - Tom Ogden
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- Magic on Tape - Random Comments - Brian R. Flora
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Stupid Bar Tricks - Alan Steinfeld & Bret McCormick - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Vintage Vernon - audio-cassettes 1 & 2 - reviewed by Billy McComb
- The New Jinx - Bill Madsen, editor - reprint
- Larry Jennings' Neo-Classics - Stephen Minch - reviewed by Max Abrams
- The Nixon Manuscript - In Book Form - William J. "Doc" Nixon - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Opus - The Independent Magic Monthly - Keable-Elliot, editor - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Variety - TV Review - Disney's Magic in The Magic Kingdom
- Obituaries
- Kenneth Leo Griffin
- Raymond Staples - by Arnold Furst
- Roy Kissel
- Murray - by Bill and Irene
- Free Classified Ads
- Jimmy Grippo's bug "90" Years Bash - photo
- Product Reviews - Phil Goldstein
- The Animated Card Thru Balloon of Death - Kevin James
- Dan's Magic Van - Supreme Magic
- Chef's Hat Egg Bag - Ian Adair
- Jolly Lolly - Ian Adair
- Notice
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 6 - December 1987 - 76 pages
- Cover - Rudy Coby
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- The Rudy Coby Magic Section
- Rudy Coby - by Franz Harary
- Rudy Coby - An Up and Coming Young Geek - Robert Baxt
- Rudy Coby - Magical Masochist - Jay Sankey
- Rudy Coby - An Interview - Max Maven
- The New Wave of Magic - New York - Rudy Coby
- New Age Rising Cards - Jeff McBride
- New Wave Torn and Restored Card - Rudy Coby
- The New Wave of Magic - Toronto - Rudy Coby
- Two Acts of Self-Mutilation - Jay Sankey
- Twinkle Toes
- Eye-Popper
- The New Wave of Magic - Nashville - Rudy Coby
- Q-Tip Trick - Joe Givan
- Super Sawa - Steve Cohen
- Optical Delusion - Michael Baker
- The New Wave of Magic - Hollywood - Rudy Coby
- The Greatest Feet In Magic - Jonathan Pendragon
- The Burning Rose - Kevin James
- The New Wave of Magic - Tokyo - Rudy Coby
- Ohajiki Card Happening - Mahka Tendo
- Tokyo Penetration - Hiroyuki Sakai
- Suspended! - Tomo Maeda
- The Tour Concludes - Rudy Coby
- Cartoon - Paul Butler
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Just Passing Through
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- Trade Show Worker
- Geoffrey
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Finding Mom - Tom Ogden
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- About Face - Richard Kaufman
- French Ring Flight - Richard Kaufman
- A Reminder to Us All - David K. Taylor
- Magic Week in Melbourne 1987 - Tom Ogden
- Magi-Clips - newspaper clippings
- "Melinda and Her '88 Follies Review" a Hit at the Landmark!
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Fifty Years Ago in Genii
- Cruise News ... Peter & Carol [Gensemer]
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- We thank Carl Carlsson for sending Genii this amusing clipping
- You can't judge a book by its inside, either
- Magic on Tape - Brian R. Flora
- Eugene Burger's Spirit Magic
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Real Magic - poem - Heidi I. Larsen
- Conventions & Events
- Glass City Conclave - Toledo, OH
- Italian National Congress - Stresa, Italy
- MzvD- Congress Oz Stuttgart - Triberg, Germany
- Supreme Super Day - Winter Gardens, England
- Louisiana Magic Weekend - New Orleans, LA
- "Magicland" Convention - Mansfield, OH
- Boston Magicale - 88 - Boston, MA
- Michigan Magic Day - Grand Rapids, MI
- Florida State Convention - Orlando, FL
- Wizard's Weekend - Bloomington, MN
- Magische Schatztruhe - Mindelheim, West Germany
- P.C.A.M. '88 Convention - Santa Barbara, CA
- MagiCruise '88 - S.S. Norway
- 33rd Austrian Congress - Vienna, Austria
- I.B.M. Convention - Boston, MA
- 1988 S.A.M. National Convention - St. Louis, MO
- F.I.S.M. World Congress - Den Haag, Holland
- Magic Festival 1988 - Oslo, Norway
- Big 3 Convention - Gaithersburg, MD
- Tannen's 14th Summer Magic Camp 1988 - La Salle Academy, NY
- Magical Arts Festival - Ventura, CA
- 1988 T.A.O.M. Convention - Fort Worth, TX
- Invocational '88 - Chicago, IL
- Harold's Bavaria Magic - Munich, Germany
- Tannen's Magic Jubilee - Browns Hotel, Loch Sheldrake, NY
- NACAN - 88 - Albany, NY
- 8th "Magic A Geneve" - Geneva, Switzerland
- The Indy Convention - Indianapolis, IN
- Austrian Congress - Bregenz, Austria
- Saint Vincent '89 - Saint-Vincent, Italy
- MzvD Kongress Oz - Wolfsburg, West Germany
- Italian Congress [1989] - Saint Vincent, Italy
- Austrian Congress [1990] - Graz, Austria
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- A Bibliography of Conjuring Periodicals in English: 1791-1983 - James B. Alfredson & George L. Dailey, Jr. - reviewed by Max Abrams
- The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner - Mike Maxwell - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Chung Ling Soo - Gary R. Frank - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Twenty Years of Spoof & Bluff - "Carlton" - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Magic Fun for Everyone - Bill Severn - reviewed by Bill Pol
- It's So Simple - Fred Kaps - audio cassette - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Free Classified Ads
- Magic Castle Library Want List
- Obituaries
- Neil Foster - by Dale Salwak
- Connie Krebs
- T. Nelson Downs Remembered - by Ken Marlin
- Edmund M. Balducci - Bev Bergeron
- Letters to the Editor
- Carroll Mounier
- Charles E. Penton
- Martin Kaplan
- Copperfield goes International
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 7 - January 1988 - 76 pages
- Cover - Award Winners
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- The Academy of Magical Arts 20th Annual Awards - Bill Larsen
- The Academy of Magical Arts Awards Shows - A 20 Year Retrospect - Paul Butler
- Desert Magic Seminar XI - Bill Larsen & Pete Biro
- The Magic of David Copperfield X - The Bermuda Triangle - Mark Tripp
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Surrounded Artist's Dream
- Screwed Up! - Michael Jeffreys
- Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
- Pre-Catch - Phil Goldstein
- Ultra Power of Thought - Curry/Gilbreath
- It's the Little Things That Count - Ted Colteaux
- The World's Most Dangerous Card Trick - Gerald W. Marsh
- NHS [No Hindu Shuffle] Color-Changing Deck - Bjorn Hanson
- Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
- Ozzy Close-Up Float-Flip-Fright - Ben Harris
- Remember, Be Kind To Your Animals - WWL (Jr)
- The Lucky Ducks - Jim Gerrish
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- E-Z Elimination Cups and Balls - Richard Kaufman
- S.H. Sharpe - Prophet? - Eric C. Lewis
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Down Under Dundee - Tom Ogden
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- The conventions are coming!
- Cruise News ... Peter & Carol [Gensemer]
- Colon Memories - Karrell Fox
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Fifty Years Ago in Genii
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- Cartoon - Cookson
- Rocking and Rolling on the Magic Castle? - Tex Babin
- The Magic Catalogue - Dick Bowman
- Geraldine Larsen Jaffe Inducted into the S.A.M. Hall of Fame - John Zweers
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Obituaries
- Jan Grippo - by Joan Lawton
- Bill Simon
- Marie Marshall - by Richard E. Hughes
- Harry Shilling (Henry Holfeldt)
- I remember - Bert Kalmar - WWL
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Representative Performances of Stage Magic 1650-1900 - Susan McCosker - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Meir Yedid's Stage Stuff - Steve Schneiderman - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Kidbiz - David Ginn - reviewed by Rick Burkey
- Early English Conjuring Collectors - Hanry Evanion & James Savren - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Spirit Theater - Eugene Burger - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Free Classified Ads
- Product Reviews - Phil Goldstein
- Critical Mass - Ball and Tube - Jamy Ian Swiss & Stephen Minch
- Mike Rogers Multiplying Bunnies
- Sterling Magic Creations - Catalog
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 8 - February 1988 - 72 pages
- Cover - Kodell
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- Kodell "The Original Bird Manipulator" and How It All Started - Robert Parrish
- The Act [Jack Kodell] - Marvyn Roy
- Pasteboard Pickpocket - David Acer
- Ultimate Reversal - Erik Gerard
- Magical "Out" Card - Dan Alessini
- Here's to You - John Paterson
- Initialed Card Transposition - Don Alessini
- Crystal 20th Century Silks - Alan Kratish
- Remember, Be Kind To Your Animals - WWL (Jr)
- Ozzy Close-Up - Ben Harris
- Coin Fantasy - Ben Harris
- The Red Card IS The Money Card - Scambini
- P.C.A.M. Convention '88 - Santa Barbara - Bill and Irene Larsen
- MagiCruise '88 - Bill and Irene Larsen
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Sawing A Dove In Half
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Toto Too? - Tom Ogden
- Professor Hockman's Walking Thru A Brick Wall - Paul Butler
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Harry Albacker tour schedule
- Duo Absolon Win Dragon Award
- Siegfried and Roy Leave the Frontier after Seven Years
- Product Reviews - Phil Goldstein
- Acrobatic Matchbox - G.W. Hunter
- Acrobatic Matches - John Kennedy
- Matchbox Follies - Don Wayne
- Mago Frank's Coloring Book - Flip Book
- Obituary
- Don Lawton - by Joan Lawton
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Juggling with Finesse - Kit Summers - reviewed by Tina M. Theis
- The Business of Restaurant Magic - Al "The Only" Ulman - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Magic By Misdirection - Dariel Fitzkee - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Daryl's Rope Routine - Daryl Martinez - reviewed by Rick Burkey
- Spirited Pasteboards - Leo Boudreau - reviewed by Max Abrams
- When Creators Collide - Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders * Ben Harris - reviewed by James Dimmare
- Conventions & Events
- Big 3 Convention - Gaithersburg, MD
- Konjuror's Conclave - Excelsior Springs, MO
- Abbott Magic Get-Together - Colon, MI
- Tannen's 14th Summer Magic Camp, 1988 - La Salle Academy, NY
- 1st International Congress for Young Magicians - Isla Verde, Puerto Rico
- IBM 6 Magic Day in Kornwestheim - Kornwestheim, Germany
- Magical Arts Festival - Ventura, CA
- 1988 T.A.O.M. Convention - Fort Worth, TX
- Mephisto's Magic Week-End in Ostende - Ostende, Belgium
- Invocational '88 - Chicago, IL
- World of Wizards Magic Day '88 - Chattanooga, TN
- IBM British Ring Convention - Brighton, England
- Harold's Bavaria Magic - Munich, Germany
- Tannen's Magic Jubilee - Browns Hotel, Loch Sheldrake, NY
- NACAN - 88 - Albany, NY
- 2nd Annual Society of Young Magicians Magic Week Celebrations - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- 8th "Magic Geneve" - Geneva, Switzerland
- Supreme Super Day - London, England
- The Indy Convention - Indianapolis, IN
- 17th International Day of Magic - London, England
- Convention Magica de Canarias - Canarias, Spain
- Flasoma - II Congresso Latino-Americano de Magicos - Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Supreme Super Day 1989 - Weston-super-Mare, England
- Austrian Congress - Bregenz, Austria
- Saint Vincent '89 - Saint Vincent, Italy
- MzvD Kongress Oz - Wolfsburg, West Germany
- Italian Congress - Saint Vincent, Italy
- Vorentcheidun Nord MZvZ - Meisterschaft, Germany
- MzvD Kongress Oz 1990 - Wolfsburg, West Germany
- Austrian Congress 1990 - Graz, Austria
- James Dimmar [sic] - Lisa Shimada - Married
- Free Classified Ads
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 9 - March 1988 - 80 pages
- Cover - Johnny Ave Palmer Grand Prix Winner
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- Card Classics - John Demaray
- The Impromptu Deck Exchange - John Demaray
- The New Symposium - John Demaray
- Classic Cards across - John Demaray
- New Wave Coins Through Table - Dan Alessini
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Head-X
- 33rd Austrian Magic Congress - Bill and Irene Larsen
- F.I.S.M. '88 - The Hague - Bill and Irene Larsen
- Johnny Ace Palmer Wins The Grand Prix
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- James Lewis Responds and asks - can Richard Kaufman be taken at face value?
- Cartoon - J. Bonestell
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- I.B.M. Convention: Boston
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Dramatic Magic - John Booth - reviewed by Billy McComb
- How to Get More Dollars from Your Magic Shows - Burling Hull - reviewed by Dick Newman
- Miracle Mongers and Their Methods - Houdini - reviewed by Dan Strauss
- The Silver Passage - Gary Ouellet - reviewed by Jeffrey V. Flan
- The Coin Connection - Gary Ouellet - reviewed by Jeffrey V. Flan
- A1 Magic - Ian Adair - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Obituaries
- John Braun - by Harold F. Puff
- Fred Faltersack
- Free Classified Ads
- Hiram Strait Wins 1st Celebrity Chess Tournament
- David Copperfield presents Magic in Malaysia - Louis R. Bechtel
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 10 - April 1988 - 72 pages (went back 100 page numbers for rest of volume)
- Cover - Special Magic Masters Issue
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- Special Magic Masters Issue - Coordinated by Mike Rogers
- Let's Meet Ken Fletcher and the Magic Masters - Mike Rogers
- Ken Fletcher Talks With Mike Rogers
- Dennis Sowers - a Demonstrator
- The Secret - Dennis Sowers
- Pencil Vanish - Dennis Sowers
- The Four Musketeers - Dennis Sowers
- The Ball and Vase - Muke Abston
- David Williamson
- Torn and Restored Transposition - David Williamson
- The Vanishing Penny - David Williamson
- Money Talks - David Williamson
- The Vanishing Silk - David Williamson
- In Closing
- Cartoon - J. Bonestell
- Obituaries
- John Shrum - by Milt
- Dick Madden
- I Remember Chester Morris - by William Larsen
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Surrounded Vampire Illusion
- 60th Annual Convention Of The Society of American Magicians - St. Louis - Walter L. Burrows, Jr.
- The Eighteenth Annual Fechter's Finger Flickging Frolic - Ron Zollweg
- newspaper clipping - Magicians find that Colon's fame is not an illusion
- Magical Arts Festival - Ventura, CA - Bill and Irene Larsen
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- Free Classified Ads
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- Soirees Fantistiques!
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Quickly - Chris Carey
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Fifty Years Ago in Genii
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Tsunami - Bob Farmer - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Who Invented the Magic? - Gary Darwin - reviewed by Max Abrams
- How to Become a Supreme Magician - Ian Adair - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Invisible Elastic Thread - Finn Jon - reviewed by Billy McComb
- The Lost Inner Secrets - Stephen Minch - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Paul Gertner's 1987 European Tour - Paul Gertner - reviewed by Jeffrey Flan
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill, Dante & Heidi Larsen
- Magic News from Japan - Max Maven
- F.I.S.M. Contest Scoring
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 11 - May 1988 - 72 pages
- Cover - Special Gary Ouellet Issue
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- The Magic of Gary Ouellet
- Introduction - Peter Reveen
- The Amazing Coin - Gary Ouellet
- The Touch Force - Gary Ouellet
- Reflections on the Ambitious Card - Gary Ouellet
- On the Count of Three
- Ambitious Challenge
- Flash Deck - Gary Ouellet
- Silverdust - Gary Ouellet
- The Silverdust Production
- The Ultimate French Drop
- The Silverdust Vanish
- Before They Raise the Curtain - Gary Ouellet
- Kodell Before the Birds - Edward Marlo
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Go Ape
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Bang! You're Dead! - Doug Anderson
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- The Return of Little Joe - Gene Maze
- Spellbound - A Concert of Illusion - as seen by Jay Marshall
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Fifty Years Ago in Genii
- On The Trail Of Gunga Dun - Bryn Hughes
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- Riffling the Pasteboards Again - Ken Simmons - reviewed by Jeffrey Flan
- Encyclopedia of Dove Magic - Volume 5 - Ian Adair - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Body Magic - John Fisher - reviewed by Toni Auldridge
- The Young One - Professor Young - reviewed by Billy McComb
- The Superconscious World - Peter Reveen - reviewed by Billy McComb
- The Magic Shop - H. G. Wells - reviewed by Dick Newton
- Free Classified Ads
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Genii - Volume 51, Number 12 - June 1988 - 64 pages
- Cover - David Copperfield
- In This Issue - contents
- The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
- The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
- David Copperfield - Following in fiction's footsteps - Amy Stevens
- Healing by Magic
- David Copperfield - A Biography
- David Copperfield - Project Magic
- David Copperfield - Historical Fact Sheet
- David Copperfield - Itinerary
- David Copperfield - United States Organization For Disbaled Athletes
- Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Clown House
- Watch It! - Michael Jeffreys
- letter from Scambini
- Between Two Points of Departure - Dan Alessini
- Duo Transpo - Vince Thomas
- Cartoon - J. Bonestell
- Transfer Us, Scotty - Dan Alessini
- The Magic Power of the Press - Scambini
- The Tahoe Transfer - Paul Smith
- Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Bill Larsen
- Illusion Show - An Excerpt from the Autobiography of David Bamberg
- Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
- Letters to the Editor
- David Price
- 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
- Fifty Years Ago in Genii
- The Reel Works - Pete Biro
- David Copperfield has transcended magic
- Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
- Ya Have to Break a Few Eggs - Doug Anderson
- Conjuring Omnibus - Richard Kaufman
- Down Memory Lane - WWL
- Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
- The Encyclopedia of Magic and Magicians - T.A. Waters - reviewed by Max Abrams
- Almost Unpublished - David Ginn - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Forcing a Card in the Classical Manner - Paul Gertner - reviewed by Jeffrey Flan
- How to Become a Supreme Magician - Ian Adair - reviewed by Billy McComb
- The Vernon Chronicals [sic] Volume 1: The Lost Inner Secrets - Stephen Minch - reviewed by Tom Conti
- The Bottle Book - Norm Neilson Magic - reviewed by Billy McComb
- Conventions & Events
- 17th International Day of Magic - London, England
- Convention Magica de Canarias - Canarias, Spain
- 5th Annual Magic Days - Denver, CO
- Southwest Conference of Creative Ministries - Whittier, CA
- Flasoma - II Congresso Latino-Americano de Magicos - Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Hank Lee's Cape Cod Conclave - Cape Cod
- Desert Seminar XII - Las Vegas, NV
- Supreme Super Day 1989 - Weston-super-Mare, England
- Austrian Congress - Bregenz, Austria
- 34 Österr. National Kongress - Austria
- Saint Vincent '89 - Saint Vincent, Italy
- MzvD Kongress Oz - Wolfsburg, West Germany
- Italian Congress - Saint Vincent, Italy
- Florida State Magic Assoc. - Bal Harbour, FL
- 4th Laugh Makers Congress - Aurora, NY
- S.A.M. National Convention - Tampa, FL
- Midwest Magic Jubilee - St. Louis, MO
- Japan Magicians Association International Convention - Tokyo, Japan
- Tannen's 15th Summer Magic Camp 1989 - La Salle Academy, NY
- TAOM 1989 Convention - Houston, TX
- Vorentscheidung Mitte MZvD - Dusseldorg, Germany
- 23 Congress Francais - Cannes, France
- Tannen's Magic Jubilee - Pines Hotel, South Fallsburg, NY
- The Orban Event - Niagara Falls, NY
- The Society of Young Magicians - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- MzvD Kongress Oz 1990 - Wolfsburg, West Germany
- I.B.M. International President Tours the World
- Obituaries
- Henk Vermeyden - by Eric Eswin
- George Buyken
- Free Classified Ads
word count: 492940 which is equivalent to 1971 standard pages of text