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Eddy Ray - Mental Note

Mental Note
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Eddy Ray - Mental Note
Over 50 years ago, Ted Annemann published a method for gaining access to information secretly recorded by a spectator, the center
This utility move caught on quickly and has since become a mainstay in the mentalist's repertoire.
For more than half a century, the center tear has been the most practical and deceptive method for garnering information secretly
Until now.
Introducing Eddy Ray's Mental Note.
Let me make this perfectly clear...  Mental Note makes the Center Tear OBSO
With Mental Note on your side you will have full command over the entire spectrum of Mentalism!  The principle can be used to
produce a multitude of effects but the bare bones idea is this:

A spectator is asked to think of any geometric shape, ESP symbol or number.
You display a stack of post-it notes and proceed to draw a circle on the face.
The note pad is handed to the spectator and they are instructed to take the pen and draw the shape or number they are thinking of
in the circle while you look away.
The pad is then passed to a second spectator who is instructed to remove the drawing from the pad, fold it up tightly and put it
in their pocket.
Important points to consider
At no time do you peek at the drawing.
The second spectator can retain the pad, and the drawing.
Can be done one on one, without a second spectator.
No shiners or reflection devices.
The note pad itself can be borrowed.
All props used are ordinary and unprepared.
There is no fishing.  You know EXACTLY what is on the pad.
There are no forces involved.
There are no stooges.
You end clean.  There is NOTHING to be discovered.
The effect can be repeated.
The paper can be folded.  It can be torn.  It can even be burned.
If you currently use a center tear you're well aware of the drawbacks.  One is that you have to handle the paper quite a bit
while tearing it.  So much that your audience may assume you were able to get a glimpse of the contents.  Another is that the
"billet" or special sized paper used isn't exactly a natural thing to have laying around, no less to be carrying with you.
Finally, the center tear leaves you with a bit of the dirty work in your hands.
"Eddy, your Mental Note effect truly is a quantum leap in mentalism.  This is something I'm using.. all the time.  So strong and
easy to do.  Annemann has got to be turning over in his grave!"
- Steve Fearson

"Why didn't I think of this?  I'm rolling over in my grave!"
- Ted Annemann

"Eddy Ray's Mental Note is a devious effect and principle that should be in your magic arsenal."-Andrew Mayne 
"I think this is a great effect! The mentalist has a big choice, it's simple and more more pratical than the centre tear!"

-A Thornborn
"I've not been able to stop thinking about routines I can accomplish with this tool. It is simple and clean, and works great, I
think this  is one that I am going to really enjoy.  ...undetectable and highly effective."
- M Fernandez
"Thanks so much for offering Mental Note.  I just read through it and am very impressed."
- B Daugherty
"I've purchased a number of your things over the years and have never been sorry.  ..I'm speechless."
-D Juraschek
"I just bought Eddy's Ray's "Mental Note", and I love it!  I've been waiting for a method like this for years. Combine "Mental
Note" with the "Believe Manuscript" and you get the Holy Grail of walkaround mentalism!"
- D Baker
"Thanks for releasing this masterpiece of subterfuge! I usually avoid most "mental" effects due to complexity, etc., but this one
is pure simplicity itself. The crystal clear explanation and pictures, plus Eddy's variations, make it a must-have!"
- R Mapes

Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than
fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the
secret right now for only $14.95
Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
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